Very fancy. A word normally utilised by well-kept women with French manicures who will never, ever understand the off-side rule. Use the word if you must (it feels nice in the mouth), but aggressively avoid these women.
Umlungu (Oom-Llong-gu)
African word for “white man”. For a laugh, if someone says “Eita, umlungu!” reply “Sharp-sharp!”
Okay. This is a complicated one. An expression of agreement. Or a greeting. Or a way of saying goodbye. Or a way of saying “Okay, sure.” Or a way of … forget it.
When you’re asking for directions and someone says: “Left at the third robot,” it is not because our streets are overrun with menacing cyborgs made by Japanese scientists. No. A robot is simply our word for traffic light.
Phuza (Poo-za)
A drinking session. “Phuza Thursday” is a noble tradition in South Africa. Try to uphold it while you’re here.
Popular term for South Africa. Best describes our country’s gritty energy and loud African spirit.
Kak (Kuk)
Literally “shit”. Popular uses include “What a load of kak” and “Don’t talk kak”.